Free therapy - I love it. Any way, I know the routein. I acknowledge that I have a problem, I identify the problem, I can am thereby empowered to solve the problem. Eay to say. I could revert and get lost in structure. That's fun, in a frustrating sort of way. But I won't do that. Or maybe I will. I could start by fixing the time warp between this blog and my life. My computer has 5:11 pm, blogger is saying 5:31:48 am!!! that would make me be where? I could spend the next half hour finding out where in the world it actually is 5:31- actually I was looking at the last published time - fun-ny. still there's an hour difference.
Wednesday, January 30, 2002
Of the nine areas I've decided upon I'm most confused about the type of content for Romantic. But that's fine, for now I've decided to start with what comes the easiest and what I need to do for other projects. So the artist area and the owner area will be the first to receive original content. Now that I have an excuse to buy a digital camera I can relax and get to writing.
Off to do an adinkra workshop. Until next time, be multi-beautiful, use your purpose as a mantra, tell another woman something good.
Monday, January 28, 2002
Sunday, January 27, 2002
Also some people have really worked their blogs so that they're websites in and of themselves. A person could get lost just journeying around blogville.
I have to learn how to have my blog listed in the directory and also posting to my site.
Do all the html tags work? let's see . . . practice list
- do this
- then do that,
- then when you're finished with things one and two do this,
- seems like I could have found some real info to put in this list but you know I'm tired today and lazy and don't feel like doing much of anything
Friday, January 25, 2002
the look is starting to work and I have some basic "what's my point" text up, and it's starting to seem real and possible! it's also starting to become a positive obsession but I'm strong and I'm moving back to my regularly scheduled programming - things to do, people to see.
until next time, be multi loving, enjoy your purpose and thank the sacred you're a woman!
anyway, the other thing I'm working out is organization of notes. I have notes in a notebook on my desk, in this blog, in files on my hard drive, on my palm, . . . . I know better but no method has imposed itself so I guess I'll have to do it. Isn't that amazing?
Sunday, January 20, 2002
I did some major craiziness playing with a table today but I was saved by webmonkey and soon I'll have pages at the site that look a lot like the blog which is what I want. It's past my bedtime. so until next time, be multisensory, experience your purpose differently, and be a touchy-feely woman. That should keep you busy!