Saturday, March 30, 2002

Congratulations Dr. Sprinkle

Annie Sprinkle self-professed Prostitute / Porn Star turned Sex Guru / Performance artist, recently received her Ph.D. in Human Sexuality from the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, California. Read more about Dr. Sprinkle and her dissertation.

Friday, March 29, 2002

The most exciting woman in the news today

Alysa Stanton, 38, (just like me), is studying to become the first Black female rabbi in the United States. AOL News has an interesting article on her but it seems as if you have to be an AOL member to get AOL News. Who knew? So I'll find another link and hook it up later.

My daughter wanted to be Jewish when she was about nine. While doing research to find out if she could and if so what did she need to do I discovered Black Ethiopian Jews and a sect in NYC. It's a small world after all.

Does anyone know how many Black males and white females are Rabbi? Maybe, I need to start a "when I have time" research list.

Someone's been reading my blog!

My sister called and said, "I was reading your blog. You were rambling!" Yes, I was and there'll be more rambling soon but for now I'm packing for my trip to Berea by way of a 2-day stop in Lexington. So until next time,
  • be multi-adventurous (if only I'd take my own advice),
  • take your purpose with you everywhere
  • have a conversation with a stranger woman. "Stranger woman?" as in stranger than you are :-) or a woman not previously known to you - which ever works out for you - hopefully, it'll be both!
How's that for rambling?

Tuesday, March 26, 2002

There is still a problem with the script but Just as I told you - proceeding as planned got me back on-track! Today everything seemed right, I got everything I need to do done and noticed a couple of syncronistic occurances. I've been missing them lately. I'm going to blame it on hormones and move on. Tomorrow I'll be able to do whatever needs to be done to track down the offending piece of HTML but for now I'm on to much bigger issues . . .

The most exciting woman in the news today

Deadria Farmer-Paellmann, the lawyer who is making the issue of reparations headlines news. I'm fascinated. I have a trillion questions. I'm overwhelmed by the enormity of the discussion. The possible repercussions are earth shattering.

CSX, one of the companies named in the reparations lawsuit, doesn't think that the courts are the right forum for hearing the issues. But where else would they be heard? In the boardrooms of corporate America? On street corners? In churches? At family reunions? In the White House? Yes, to all of the above but only in court will decisions be made. Only through the legal system will a mark be made.

A lot of the journalists who've written about reparations seem to think that there should be a time limit on how long companies and individuals are held responsible for past events. I think they're right. They should be held accountable as long as they're still benefiting from the money. Yes. So if the responsibility lasts as long as the benefits continue what companies, what American families still owe a debt?

Monday, March 25, 2002

okay, my hard work partially paid off. but the error message is still there scaring people off.

If I had a 9-5 type of job this would be one of those days when I'd call in "sick". But since I'm an artist4hire and I'm going what I love waiting for the money to follow and because I've learned that sometimes you just have to do what you have planned to do dispite feeling funky I'm going to go where I said I'd go and do what I said I'd do and thank the sacred for giving me the wherewithal to be conscious enough to realize that this funky feeling can be dealt with.

This is also the kind of day that makes me want to stuff my face with Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia, a platter of Applebees' ribs and any and all of my other favorites. But I'm not going to do that either. (maybe I will -- but after aerobics at the YMCA!). Okay, I most likely won't because (1) I never sorted through the child slavery/chocolate stuff with B&J, (2) Applebee's still won't give out nutritional info on their ribs, (3) it won't really make me feel better and (4) it will definitely keep me from losing this weight I'm trying to toss.

So what is a shitty feeling multipurposewoman to do?? No hiding out, no ton of comfort food, what then? Any ideas? Too bad the comment feature is not cooperating. Until I fix it e-mail me if you have an idea or if you just want to do a Cinclair and say "woo, woo, woo". Actually, watching a lot of TV might be the answer! I haven't done that in a long time and I read that 30 minutes of funny TV viewing is good for you.

Actually, I have to leave soon so no TV but when I come back instead of dawdling maybe I'll check my palm and do something that matters! What a novel idea.

In the mean time - Do me a favor: Write Applebee's and ask them why they won't tell. And read the information at about the use of children in the production of cocoa.

there's a problem with the last blog and with the comments creating an error message when people try to come to the blog from any of the page sites. I'm having a hard time fixing it!

Friday, March 22, 2002

I have ideas that I wish someone would implement. So I'm going to start a page on the site about them in the hopes that someone will adopt them. I know the idea of an idea clearing house in and of itself might seem strange but what if there is a "doer" out there in need of a project and they 1. come to multipurposewoman, 2. like one of my ideas and 3. go for it. Won't that be a good thing? YES!

I'm not up to constructing a new page right now so I'll put two ideas that have been floating around in my head for a while right here, right now.

Idea #1: "Son-in-Law Training Program" I have a 14-year old daughter and one day I know she's going to start looking for a partner. For now I'll assume she's heterosexual. The odds are with me and if I assume otherwise the impetus for the idea isn't as strong :-) Having a daughter is only one of the events that spurred this idea. The other is a conversation I had with a young Black woman about Black men and dating. It was a rather long conversation but at one point she mentioned that she might stop dating Black men as a group due to various problems with individual Black men. Yes, this is officially stereotyping, borderline racist, and actually said half in jest but it's not the first time I've heard similar comments and it's not the first time I understood the sentiment.

Anyway the idea is to start a program that teaches young men how to be useful partners. I know there are programs out there that in theory teach "how to be a man" etc., etc., but do they really address relationships in depth?

This actually needs to be done. What kind of world would this be if women, Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Other, didn't trust men who looked like them? What kind of world would this be if women, didn't want to partner with men who were like their fathers, brothers, uncles, cousins? What kind of world would this be where women discounted an entire spectrum of partners due to their physical similarity to one (or two or five) bad seeds?

Idea #2: "Worthy Woman Training Program" okay, let's pretend that someone took the "Son-in-Law Training Program" and worked with it and started graduating some fantastic, ready-for-partnership males. Would there be enough ready-for-them counterparts? Yes. If someone does some training with the opposite sex.

idea #3: "Meet Yourself Through Journaling" Yes, I know I said two ideas. I was thinking about #1 and this one but #2 flowed right out of my fingers. Anyway, I believe that writing is the best way to learn about yourself. I also believe that without knowing some things about yourself you'll be useless to other people. So this project would be incorporated into the other two.

Basically, this would be journaling workshops with young people, people who don't normally sign up for journaling workshops, people who might initially prefer to play basketball or stand on street corners talking, people who watch TV more than they read, spend more money on their hair then they do on books, more time at the beauty parlor than they do planning their futures. I want someone (actually a lot of someones) to go out and gather some non-traditional journalers and talk to them about journaling, get them started by providing blank books, writing utensils, journaling examples, practice, exercises, etc.

Originally, I wanted to do this with teen girls. I wanted to start with 13 and work with those thirteen until they were avid journalers and then train those 13 to go out and each convert 13 who would convert 13 who would convert 13 and on and on until the whole world of young women were writing about their lives to the point of understanding.

Why don't I do these projects my damn self? I know there are people wondering why, if these ideas are so good, don't I do them myself? To be truthful, I don't have the right kind of energy and I get discouraged too quickly. I could go on but basically that's the reason. Additionally, spending inordinate amounts of time with people drains me, leaves me feeling depressed and tired and overwhelmed. I want to change the world and I want it to happen today.

enough of that. Until next time, have multi-ideas, franchise your purpose if the results need to reach more people than you physically can and take the time to really, truly listen to a young woman's story.

Thursday, March 21, 2002

Tuesday, March 19, 2002

I finally brought a digital camera. Actually, I got it Saturday but have I played with it? No. I did charge the batteries and look through the instructions. I've been working on The Code and part 1/5 is almost done. In fact it will be done for the critique tonight. I just have to put the 20 pieces into 1 piece. I should have a picture of that but I don't have time to play with it right now. I have to do it and then be gone to do two back-to-back workshops followed by the critique.

Also, I started using the signature on my e-mails. I don't know why I was waiting. The site is about as ready for viewing today as it'll be on Thursday. Besides three of my most trusted friends said they like it and had interesting times reading what I've written and following the links so I'll just keep going.

Until next time, be open to multi-opportunities, seize the ones that strengthen your purpose and show the world that you are a blessed woman.

Saturday, March 16, 2002

Where do the days go? It seems as if I'm writing daily yet the blog - which is actually keeping track - tells me I haven't written here since Wednesday. I've been putting stuff at the site in other places. I'm finding that I need to learn more about these blog features because this easy update, automatic archive and date stamp are things I'd like all over the site. But that's not my purpose for this upcoming week. I'm telling the world about on Thursday so I'm tightening up content. It's hard work.

Wednesday, March 13, 2002

Tuesday, March 12, 2002

Until next time, Be multi-creative, true to your purpose and a blessing to the womanwho raised you.
I'm failing! My genius quotient was 76 and according to the school system here that's a "D"- below standards! Am I surprised? Is a person who fails a test ever really surprised? No. Assigning myself a score on the 20 items was interesting. I didn't know what some of them were. Do you know what a Mastermind Group (Real) or (internal) is? I have a guess but I guess I need to check the book out of the library. I'm interested enough to do that. While I'm at it I'll come up with words to go with the scale 0 to 5. That is if Tony Buzan didn't already do that in the book. I might do it anyway. Didn't I need one more thing on my list.
You a Genius?! Yes, look and see. Twenty Characteristics of Genius - Tony Buzan
I want to be an expert on creativity. So I'm designing myself a course and gathering books to read, tapes to listen to. I'm doing exercises, mental and physical. You can join me. Here's a site with 52 "to do's". I haven't tried any yet but I'm on my way. Creativity Challenge Table of Contents

When you do an exercise write me with the outcome. You can post it on the bulletin board or leave it as a comment to one of my blogs.

Sunday, March 10, 2002

I finally lost 5 pounds! -got a Weight Watchers book mark to prove it. Is there a link between this loss and Applebees not knowing anything about their ribs? No. I'd eaten the ribs before I asked so not knowing didn't stop me before but it will now that I know they don't know or don't care to tell. Anyway, I'm over that. is coming along. I've been doing more behind the scenes instead of randomly posting things since it's almost time for me to go live (March 21! remember?) I've written a lot and thought even more and I still have a lot of writing and thinking to do but I'm sure that I'm going to forge on.
The last page I added told everyone about my student loan fantasy. Doing that was so strange for me. It was like doing something private in public - a no-no. But I did it and it was funny and cleansing. Hopefully, it will ultimately be helpful. Here it is Fantasies I have this recurring rescue fantasy that
millions of people I don't know,
thousands of people I barely know and
tens of people I do know send me money
so I can pay off the student loans
I've been accumulating
for more years than I feel comfortable mentioning.
You can be one of those people.

Friday, March 01, 2002

Do you know how many calories or fat grams are in an order of Applebees' ribs? Don't feel bad Applebees doesn't know either!!!

I've been a week sending e-mails back and forth with first the "Guest Relations Coordinator" and then with the "Director of Food Science" and neither of these titles could or would tell me any nutritional information on applebees' ribs.

Why do I care how many calories and fat grams are in an order of Applebees' ribs? I love them. I also love myself. I've started going to Weight Watchers and being a good watcher I've been keeping one of those food logs. Now I admit I'm not very good at keeping the log but I try.

Anyway, last weekend I had a craving for some ribs. What did I think? Applebees. What did I do? I went to my WW's fast food companion which lists a lot of restaurants. As the name implies it mostly list fast food places but I looked anyway. So I wasn't surprised when it wasn't there.

I thought, "no problem. I'll go to Applebees' website and get the info. The info wasn't there. Still no problem I thought; "I'll just e-mail them and they'll send it right to me". I was sooooooooo wrong it's not even funny. In fact it's scary.

I'm off gallery hopping but I'll be back and instead of telling you I'll just show you the e-mails I sent and then their replys. until then, Be multi-inquistive, state your purpose clearly, and be an honest woman.