Monday, June 10, 2002

update about the Murray cicadas
I tried to stop myself but I was on-line and I went automatically to Google and my fingers typed in cicada/locust and the next thing I knew - I knew more about these insects than I really need to know. I do like knowing that they have a history. They're Brood XXIII and they were in Kentucky the year I was born!!

lost in cyberspace?
Just as an exercise I won't complain or otherwise waste time looking for or wondering where the entries I've made since 5/27 have disappeared to. That's what happens when I use strange computers - as in computers other than my own.

Life in Magnolia Murray
This is week 2 of my Murray visit. Murray is a lot like I left it last year. Some changes worth mentioning; (1) no free breakfast at the motel! that was a shocker. Instead (2) the pool is open. The first time in the three years I've been year. At first I said, "great! instead of eating a fattening breakfast I can swim." But have I been in the pool? NO. (3) There's a new computer lab on campus. I visited it this morning. It's in the brand new Alexander Education facility. A super building with thousands of dollars worth of framing. I noticed the art some but I was most impressed by the framing of the pieces. Strange but true. The art is grouped by cultures. (4) Locusts by the millions have invaded the campus - or maybe they're cicadas. There's been debate about this and I have no idea but I may research it and find out. I like the stories about them goind underground for 13 - 16 years and then emerging. I THANK THE SACRED that the campus Magnolia trees are as beautiful and plentiful as ever. That in itself is reason to come here.

Went to beautiful Kentucky Lake twice this weekend. That was my artist's date. I love it and it reminded me that I'd like to live near water. At least close enough to go there on weekends. We need a boat.