Monday, September 23, 2002
Wednesday, September 18, 2002
Tug of War
Monday, September 16, 2002
Saturday, September 14, 2002
Thursday, September 12, 2002
Wednesday, September 11, 2002
Sunday, September 08, 2002
Saturday, September 07, 2002
Thursday, September 05, 2002
A woman today is sooooo lucky I didn't try to pull around her and squeeze by as she kept trying to wave me to do.
I didn't get my driver's license until I was 30+ and the message - "things in the mirror are closer than they appear" -
has major meaning for me. I can not gauge how close, or far away, I am from things while inside my station wagon. Just think if I would have
tried to maneuver around her and hit her or the girl's car that she was standing beside.
"Ms. Traffic Director's" car was parked right in front and her kid was in it. I could have pushed her into that girl's little red car, pushing the girl's car into
Ms TD's car and pushed her child right out onto the sidewalk. Sad but true. And who would have been at fault? Who would have had
major guilt and extra bills?
Wednesday, September 04, 2002
I'm useless with my other camera too. I got it for photography 101 years ago and I still can't do anything with it. I need to sell it at
but my poloroid I love that camera but I'm too cheap to buy the film. So I should write that I'm perplexed by people who like to have stuff
but are too cheap to pay for them and to lazy to learn how to use them but that would be being mean to myself :-) Anyway, I'm not giving up.
I actually tried to upload some pictures earlier so that I could start learning what I need to but as I explained in my nightly notes,
I was majorly out of sync today, and AOL has been plotting against me so I couldn't stay connected long enough to upload the things. I'll try again tomorrow.