Monday, September 23, 2002

As always there was a lesson in the craziness. I learned how to quickly search and edit archived blog entries.That could be useful again some day.
I used a service called LinkAlarm to help me find broken links and it did! Some of the breaks are so maddening - crazy stuff that seems to have created itself when I had the breakdown. I like the sound of that - it seems so apt. Just when I think I'm getting all these pieces parts to work together I find some part that's not with the program. This blog is the prime broken link culprit. But not to worry I will fix them all (said Superwoman to She-ra).

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Tug of War

This first of now four blogs still has the old "I don't know how to work this" look. I should fix it but I'm tired of dealing with cosmetics. But at the same time the artist in me only wants to deal with the look of the site. As Mad would say, "both, and". I'm going to have to deal with both/and or a won't be happy/satisfied.
okay, that foray into focused writing (started with the 8/29 entry) is over!! I feel the need to randomly spill my guts about life in general again. Yes, I'm still writing morning pages. In fact tomorrow I'll write pages 499-500-501. And nightly notes are interesting but still sometimes in the middle of the day I feel the need to blog so for now on I will.

Monday, September 16, 2002

Today's Piece of Potentially Useful Trivia
"organic food is grown, handled, and processed with the utmost care and without pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, fungicides, fumigants, chemical preservatives, dyes, chemical additives, irradiation, and/or genetically engineered DNA." SOURCE: Organic

Saturday, September 14, 2002

Today's Piece of Trivia
66% of your body is water

Thursday, September 12, 2002

I'm tired of being perplexed. I do like having a focus. For the next week or so I'm going to post the trivia that I find out about while researching for my art or just because. Today's Piece of Trivia: 5000 pennies weigh 33.49 pounds

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

tomorrow I will write morning pages 478, 479, 480 that's a lot of writing.

Sunday, September 08, 2002

In General I'm Perplexed by Technology

Perplexed In Particular by my Need to Know
Life would be so much more simple if I'd just let things do what they do without trying/needing/wanting to know how they work. I don't need to know a lot of times, most of the time. Anyway, I republished the archives to this blog. They've been on vacation somewhere in the Delta Quadrant. I miss watching Star Trek: Voyager. I'm perplexed as to why I stopped watching it at 10:00 pm every night. I'll have to find out.

Saturday, September 07, 2002

In General I'm Perplexed by Myself

Perplexed In Particular My Unwillingness to Exercise
I am going to have to seriously talk with myself about the gap between my knowing that I need to exercise and my motivation to do so. This problem has risen to the point of silliness. I hate self-sabotage. What to do?

Thursday, September 05, 2002

In General I'm Perplexed by Rude Motorists

Perplexed In Particular by People Who Try to Direct Traffic
I absolutely loathe people who stop their cars in the middle of the street or in other places, like driveways & parking lots, where people need to get by. And then they make it worse by trying to wave you around their dumb, inconsiderate butts.
A woman today is sooooo lucky I didn't try to pull around her and squeeze by as she kept trying to wave me to do. I didn't get my driver's license until I was 30+ and the message - "things in the mirror are closer than they appear" - has major meaning for me. I can not gauge how close, or far away, I am from things while inside my station wagon. Just think if I would have tried to maneuver around her and hit her or the girl's car that she was standing beside. "Ms. Traffic Director's" car was parked right in front and her kid was in it. I could have pushed her into that girl's little red car, pushing the girl's car into Ms TD's car and pushed her child right out onto the sidewalk. Sad but true. And who would have been at fault? Who would have had major guilt and extra bills?

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

In General I'm Perplexed by Digital Cameras

Perplexed In Particular by my FinePix 2600Zoom
To be fair it's mostly me. There's something with my vision that just doesn't lend itself to taking pictures. And there's something in my nature that just doesn't give me the patience to try and be bothered!! But I really want to start added daily imagery to the site and I see so much that I just want to take a snapshot of and post.

I'm useless with my other camera too. I got it for photography 101 years ago and I still can't do anything with it. I need to sell it at but my poloroid I love that camera but I'm too cheap to buy the film. So I should write that I'm perplexed by people who like to have stuff but are too cheap to pay for them and to lazy to learn how to use them but that would be being mean to myself :-) Anyway, I'm not giving up. I actually tried to upload some pictures earlier so that I could start learning what I need to but as I explained in my nightly notes, I was majorly out of sync today, and AOL has been plotting against me so I couldn't stay connected long enough to upload the things. I'll try again tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

In General I'm Perplexed by Aliterate People

Perplexed In Particular by Aliterate Parents & Teachers
Literacy is the cause I feel I must seriously fight for. But I get so emotional and judgemental and basically illogical sounding when I try to talk to people about leading by example. I hear parents say they want their children to do good in school and later in life but they don't let their children see them reading. They don't buy their children books. They say they don't have time, they don't like to read, they only read if they have to, reading puts them to sleep. Yet they say to their children, "read". They say but don't show that reading is necessary. It is more than important it is the one thing that can turn any person into the only true teacher they will ever have. Ditto for any and all people who come into contact with young people; lead by example.
Here's Some Info We Could All Learn From . . .
Essentials of Buddhism Here's a summary: Four Noble Truths, Noble Eightfold Path, Three Characteristics of Existence, Four Boundless States, Seven Factors of Enlightenment, Five Hindrances, Ten Perfections, Five Aggregates, Ten Fetters of Existence,

Monday, September 02, 2002

In General I'm Perplexed by Procrastination

Perplexed In Particular By My Own Recurring Bouts
It's so overwhelming a topic that I can't even begin to write about the slow P. I'm not as often in its grip as previously but still there are times when I wake up and notice that I've been majorly procrastinating. What's worse is waking up in the middle of a bout and not being able to just stop and restart or move forward.