Tuesday, December 31, 2002
Monday, December 30, 2002
So far if today were a piece of art I'd title it . . . Send Money Please.
It would be 10,000 golden envelopes,
all with my address as the mailee - and the mailers would be from all over the world and they would have all enclosed $10 bills (US :-).
Actually, the art piece would be 63"x63" full-color photo of the empty golden envelopes with all their glorious postage stampings/markings all stapled to a red lacqured wall similar to the east wall of my studio. -- I think I'll find a mail art show to enter.
Sunday, December 29, 2002

I'm migrating MPW without it being totally ready. I'll never be finished because like all things that are born it will continue to grow and change until it dies. So I declare myself MULTIPURPOSE and I give myself carte blanche to find, ignore, stretch, make-up, theorize and otherwise play with any rules that I find, ignore, stretch, make-up, theorize and otherwise encounter.
Thursday, December 19, 2002
what kind of animal is multipurposewoman.org?
Wednesday, December 18, 2002
Wednesday, December 11, 2002
Braving Butter
So far if today were a piece of art I'd title it . . . Braving Butter - it would be all about gathering the courage to do everyday things. The inspiration? I made the mistake of reading the warnings attached to some medication. I realize that all medicine could have side effects but reading them - as paranoid as I am - is mind boggling and frightening. It's worse than hearing them speed-talked at the end of those "buy this drug" commercials.
PARANOIA has such an interesting definition; A nondegenerative, limited, usually chronic psychosis marked by delusions of persecution or of grandeur, strenuously defended by the patient with apparent logic and reason.
If I'm not a "patient" can I still be paranoid? or do I have to wait until someone else (a DR.) tells me that I'm paranoid?
Monday, December 09, 2002
A Treadmill Month
On the zine front I've been behind the scenes with MultiPurposeWoman. I'm switching the server to a very nifty new open source powered one that has my mind working overtime. I've been having to grow up technologically and learn CSS and other stuff. The good thing about all this is I'm sure behind the scenes is not where I want to be. I'm ready to whip some of the random thoughts I've been storing in my blogs and on MultiPurposeWoman into some real, readable, useful, text.