Wednesday, January 22, 2003

did something of the last post to screw that post and the two before it up! I'm confused and don't have the energy for dealing with it. Still haven't figured out how to get these blogs to post to my new webgui powered site and not getting any help from CDG!! Anyway, I'll figure it out - hopefully before I say the hell with it all. Trying one more thing before going off to bed

If today were a piece of art I'd title it . . .

Sunday, January 19, 2003

So far if today were a piece of art I'd title it . . .
Long Live The Fog
It would be a companion piece to yesterday's "Don't Look, don't Acknowledge, It'll Go Away".

Saturday, January 18, 2003

If Today Were A Piece of Art

So far if today were a piece of art I'd title it . . .

Don't Look, Don't Acknowledge, It'll Go Away
It would be a 1" square embroidery. red horsehair (tail), on white suede . stitching on top of stitching until the piece was hard and stiff and none of the white was showing even at the edges or on the back it would end when the needle couldn't penetrate it - actually at that point I'd do some machine stitching in red shiny rayon. Then when the machine needle broke the piece would be finished. I'd work the broken needle into the piece. I'd let the needle I'd been hand stitching the horsehair with just dangle.

Would I mount the little piece on something larger for viewing? yes, on a piece of page torn from an old journal. I'd most likely color the paper with the remains of my morning coffee first so that most of the words were obscured. who needs people reading their old journal entries? who wants to read them themselves? not me. what shape would the paper be? would I burn it? would I stitch the piece to the paper? glue it? stick it with an elaborate hat pin?

Thursday, January 16, 2003

it's tomorrow - actually it's been longer. I tried one other time to no avail to get the blogs to show up. This time I'm determined. I may even ask for help. What a novel idea. I switched to a new server in order to use an open source content management software called WebGui. It's nice, I like it a lot but I'm no tech person and even with paid for documentation and a hosted server I'm in over my head. I don't have time to deal with learning a lot of new stuff just to post content. I really want to work on developing sound, useful content. A partner - I need a partner - not today. Right now I'm going to work out this glich and have my blogs show up when people click the link at multipurposewoman.

Friday, January 10, 2003

I switched servers!! Now of course there's a glich or two but it's worth it (almost). I can't get my blogs to go there. But it's 12:45 past my bed time some I'll have to play with it all tomorrow.