Re: Healthy Snack Attacks!
Everyday in my email I get "Denise Austin's Morning Stretch" newsletter. on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 the subject was "Healthy Snack Attacks!"
The writer said, "It's all about smart snacking choices." She offered a list of healthier alternatives for common snacks: Two suggestions were - * Instead of one scoop of ice cream, have 15 frozen grapes or one small frozen banana. You'll save 150 calories and 11 grams of fat while satisfying your craving for something sweet!
* Instead of a handful of potato chips, reach for one cup of peeled baby carrots or celery sticks. You'll satisfy your urge to crunch and save 125 calories and 19 fat grams!
In theory this makes sense. But what about comfort?? What about taste?
If I'm trying to have ice cream or potato chips it's because I want a certain taste experience. Frozen fruit sounds nasty to me - does anyone out there enjoy frozen bananas? If you do please leave a comment telling me how they compare tastewise to a cup of mocha almond fudge, or even a good grade of vanilla or chocolate.
Carrots are one of my favorite foods but if I have grippo's on my mind the carrots won't cut it.
One thing that stayed with me from my bout with Weight Watchers was the idea of only eating food that you were enjoying eating. If you're not enjoying it - stop, drop it, and roll out to get yourself something you will enjoy.
Let's brainstorm and think of some true alternatives; foods that will come much closer to the taste experience we're trying to have when we reach for ice cream or potato chips or some other "unhealthy" snack food.
One thing I've been doing is just having half of what I'd normally have. If it's a food I usually don't measure then I check the packaging and eat 1 serving or a 1/2 of a serving. If it's a food that for some reason I've been measuring before I eat, then I eat have that. It works - I get what I really want. Life's too short to settle all the time. We settle enough just trying to keep peace at home and work.
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