Tuesday, April 15, 2014

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News:  http://tunatekstil.net/ac/news.php



Saturday, April 12, 2014

Fw: Re:

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

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Monday, February 11, 2008

just checking

is this the right email for me to post from??

P.S. I'm conducting a poll about women and happiness.

Please go to www.multipurposewoman.com/random_interviews
to take the Happiness Poll and add your input.

Gwendolyn Kelly

More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Salt N Pepa's hair?

okay, there's a Salt N Pepa show. Who knew? I was eating lunch and thought I'd flipped channels and ran across the Salt 'N Pepa show on VH1. Salt (what's her real name?) had a weave in and it was driving her crazy. It's not her style. It was itching, etc. Anyway, Pepa (what's HER name?) is all excited about a fake hair line.

The last I heard about Salt 'N Pepa. Pepa had gone religious and Salt was getting a divorce I think. I watched for about 15 minutes and all I could really do was ask myself questions; how old are they? how long ago was it when they were a big deal? why do they have this show? who watches this show and why?

It's a bit silly yet I'm interested in finding the answers to these questions. I'll post them at a <a href="http://www.multipurposewoman.com/salt-n-pepa">Salt-n-Pepa MultiPurpose Woman</a> page.

More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail!

Friday, June 30, 2006

Re: Healthy Snack Attacks!

Everyday in my email I get "Denise Austin's Morning Stretch" newsletter. on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 the subject was "Healthy Snack Attacks!"

The writer said, "It's all about smart snacking choices." She offered a list of healthier alternatives for common snacks: Two suggestions were - * Instead of one scoop of ice cream, have 15 frozen grapes or one small frozen banana. You'll save 150 calories and 11 grams of fat while satisfying your craving for something sweet!

* Instead of a handful of potato chips, reach for one cup of peeled baby carrots or celery sticks. You'll satisfy your urge to crunch and save 125 calories and 19 fat grams!

In theory this makes sense. But what about comfort?? What about taste?

If I'm trying to have ice cream or potato chips it's because I want a certain taste experience. Frozen fruit sounds nasty to me - does anyone out there enjoy frozen bananas? If you do please leave a comment telling me how they compare tastewise to a cup of mocha almond fudge, or even a good grade of vanilla or chocolate.

Carrots are one of my favorite foods but if I have grippo's on my mind the carrots won't cut it.

One thing that stayed with me from my bout with Weight Watchers was the idea of only eating food that you were enjoying eating. If you're not enjoying it - stop, drop it, and roll out to get yourself something you will enjoy.

Let's brainstorm and think of some true alternatives; foods that will come much closer to the taste experience we're trying to have when we reach for ice cream or potato chips or some other "unhealthy" snack food.

One thing I've been doing is just having half of what I'd normally have. If it's a food I usually don't measure then I check the packaging and eat 1 serving or a 1/2 of a serving. If it's a food that for some reason I've been measuring before I eat, then I eat have that. It works - I get what I really want. Life's too short to settle all the time. We settle enough just trying to keep peace at home and work.

Find more healthy eating strategies on Denise Austin's Fit Forever! Sign up today!

________________________________________________________________________ Check out AOL.com today. Breaking news, video search, pictures, email and IM. All on demand. Always Free.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Please help me update my address book on Ringo

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This invitation was sent to multipurposewoman.wren@blogger.com on behalf of Gwendolyn Kelly (gifted63@aol.com)

If you do not wish to receive invitations from this Ringo member, click here. To stop receiving invitations from all Ringo members, click here.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

thank you Martha Graham

I was having a melt down then found this:
There is a vitality, a life force, an energy,a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique.
<BR>And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost. The world will not have it.
<BR>It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly ... to keep the chanel open.
<BR>You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work ... you have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open.
-Martha Graham

Get a Free Satellite TV System from Dish-Network

You can visit with me at my websites:

http://www.multipurposewoman.org/: Communicate with intelligent women.

GwendolynKelly.com: See, read about, and buy my fiber art.

Student Loan Payoff Quilts.us: Buy a $5 raffle ticket to win a functional, contemporary, one-of-a-kind, art quilt.

Friday, May 14, 2004

posting by email

Is posting by email a myth? I tried it yesterday and it didn't work so I'm trying it again. How many times will I try it before I conclude that it does not work?
You can visit with me at my websites:

http://www.multipurposewoman.org: Communicate with intelligent women.

GwendolynKelly.com: See, read about, and buy my fiber art.

Student Loan Payoff Quilts.us: Participate in my fantasy of paying off my student loans before my daughter goes to college! Buy a $5 raffle ticket to win a functional, contemporary, one-of-a-kind, art quilt.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

tinkering with technology

this is a test to see if I can actually just send my blog an email and have it post. This didn't use to work so this could be a concrete example of progress. -
You can visit with me at my websites:

http://www.multipurposewoman.org: Communicate with intelligent women.

GwendolynKelly.com: See, read about, and buy my fiber art.

Student Loan Payoff Quilts.us: Participate in my fantasy of paying off my student loans before my daughter goes to college! Buy a $5 raffle ticket to win a functional, contemporary, one-of-a-kind, art quilt.

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

did something of the last post to screw that post and the two before it up! I'm confused and don't have the energy for dealing with it. Still haven't figured out how to get these blogs to post to my new webgui powered site and not getting any help from CDG!! Anyway, I'll figure it out - hopefully before I say the hell with it all. Trying one more thing before going off to bed

If today were a piece of art I'd title it . . .

Sunday, January 19, 2003

So far if today were a piece of art I'd title it . . .
Long Live The Fog
It would be a companion piece to yesterday's "Don't Look, don't Acknowledge, It'll Go Away".

Saturday, January 18, 2003

If Today Were A Piece of Art

So far if today were a piece of art I'd title it . . .

Don't Look, Don't Acknowledge, It'll Go Away
It would be a 1" square embroidery. red horsehair (tail), on white suede . stitching on top of stitching until the piece was hard and stiff and none of the white was showing even at the edges or on the back it would end when the needle couldn't penetrate it - actually at that point I'd do some machine stitching in red shiny rayon. Then when the machine needle broke the piece would be finished. I'd work the broken needle into the piece. I'd let the needle I'd been hand stitching the horsehair with just dangle.

Would I mount the little piece on something larger for viewing? yes, on a piece of page torn from an old journal. I'd most likely color the paper with the remains of my morning coffee first so that most of the words were obscured. who needs people reading their old journal entries? who wants to read them themselves? not me. what shape would the paper be? would I burn it? would I stitch the piece to the paper? glue it? stick it with an elaborate hat pin?

Thursday, January 16, 2003

it's tomorrow - actually it's been longer. I tried one other time to no avail to get the blogs to show up. This time I'm determined. I may even ask for help. What a novel idea. I switched to a new server in order to use an open source content management software called WebGui. It's nice, I like it a lot but I'm no tech person and even with paid for documentation and a hosted server I'm in over my head. I don't have time to deal with learning a lot of new stuff just to post content. I really want to work on developing sound, useful content. A partner - I need a partner - not today. Right now I'm going to work out this glich and have my blogs show up when people click the link at multipurposewoman.

Friday, January 10, 2003

I switched servers!! Now of course there's a glich or two but it's worth it (almost). I can't get my blogs to go there. But it's 12:45 past my bed time some I'll have to play with it all tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 31, 2002

It's interesting the number of blogs that index other blogs and how recently they've been updated. I'm home alone - in the house again but I think I'll try that going on the porch thing I mentioned last night in my nightly notes - a different blog for a different reason.

Monday, December 30, 2002

So far if today were a piece of art I'd title it . . . Send Money Please.
It would be 10,000 golden envelopes, all with my address as the mailee - and the mailers would be from all over the world and they would have all enclosed $10 bills (US :-).

Actually, the art piece would be 63"x63" full-color photo of the empty golden envelopes with all their glorious postage stampings/markings all stapled to a red lacqured wall similar to the east wall of my studio. -- I think I'll find a mail art show to enter.

Sunday, December 29, 2002

I read a book called Megacreativity: 5 Steps to Thinking Like a Genius... and for some reason it clicked. I've read/perused/browsed and otherwise interacted with zoodles of other creativity books but I was ready for this one and it delivered. -when the student is ready the teacher will appear - and then when the student becomes the lessons the teacher will move up. cover
I'm migrating MPW without it being totally ready. I'll never be finished because like all things that are born it will continue to grow and change until it dies. So I declare myself MULTIPURPOSE and I give myself carte blanche to find, ignore, stretch, make-up, theorize and otherwise play with any rules that I find, ignore, stretch, make-up, theorize and otherwise encounter.

Thursday, December 19, 2002

what kind of animal is multipurposewoman.org?

When I started multipurposewoman.org and this blog last January the birth metaphor kept coming up so I started to use it. It seemed apt because I figured it would take me about nine months to get the site to a place where it was an actual entity in and of itself. Well it's going on twelve months and the gestation to birth metaphor still lingers in my mind. About two months ago I started wondering what kind of animal this project is - will it ever be born or will I forever be on the verge of delivery? It's been like a "trial" pregnancy - like I've been wearing a practice-pregnancy belly.

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

I know that hope is not a method but I still hope I can get the site migrated soon. more later

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Braving Butter

So far if today were a piece of art I'd title it . . . Braving Butter - it would be all about gathering the courage to do everyday things. The inspiration? I made the mistake of reading the warnings attached to some medication. I realize that all medicine could have side effects but reading them - as paranoid as I am - is mind boggling and frightening. It's worse than hearing them speed-talked at the end of those "buy this drug" commercials.

PARANOIA has such an interesting definition; A nondegenerative, limited, usually chronic psychosis marked by delusions of persecution or of grandeur, strenuously defended by the patient with apparent logic and reason.
If I'm not a "patient" can I still be paranoid? or do I have to wait until someone else (a DR.) tells me that I'm paranoid?

Monday, December 09, 2002

A Treadmill Month

28 days since my last blog! But rereading the last entry makes it all make sense. My life in general has been the same ole song. That's not good. I'm going to have to institute some mandatory fun. If you have any ideas about how, what, etc email me the specifics.

On the zine front I've been behind the scenes with MultiPurposeWoman. I'm switching the server to a very nifty new open source powered one that has my mind working overtime. I've been having to grow up technologically and learn CSS and other stuff. The good thing about all this is I'm sure behind the scenes is not where I want to be. I'm ready to whip some of the random thoughts I've been storing in my blogs and on MultiPurposeWoman into some real, readable, useful, text.

Monday, November 11, 2002

So far if today were a piece of art I'd title it . . .

Where Have I Been All My Life That's also the title of an in-process essay and I have to add to my "possible art titles" list.

The past few mornings when I'm between the dreamtime & here MultiPurposeWoman.org has been on my mind. This morning I did my usual routein/ritual; water, fruit, vitamens, coffee & morning pages, followed by the email/web check. I'm investgating other sites that claim to be by, about and for women. Some of them are not at all but then there are sites like . Here's the creator's, Bonnie Burton's, profile: "I'm a writer, gardening guru, mail artist, TV addict, white trash chef, zine editor, bizarre object collector, comic book fan and founder of Grrl.com." She's a multipurposewoman! The site is fun, cool, interesting and of course it's well written and looks good. Grrl is expressily for the 20-something crowd but this 39-year old found it interesting.

Friday, November 08, 2002

changes, changes and more changes

So far if today were a piece of art I'd title it . . . Lessons Learned - The Sequel

I've run across at least three artices abou blogger in the past 3 days. I was about to ditch it but now realize that the problem I've been havng signing on was a problem on this end. Good - I'm about to migrate to another host and switch ISP's I'm not sure I could stand a third change. When I started this blog it was going to be all about conceiving, birthing and raising my website mulitipurposewoman.org - I'll most likely return to that focus and stick with it now that I've started two other blogs. Anyway, some interesting developments occured but I was so busy living them and pulling my hair that I didn't record most of them. And I know that recording them would have helped me get through them faster.

Let me summarize: Basically, I've learned that everything that goes wrong while I'm on my computer is not my fault. This is a big deal. Before blogging and playing with multipurposewoman if anything didn't work properly I assumed it was something I did or didn't do, something I didn't fully comprehend, me wrong, me bad, me techno-illiterate - there were times I wanted to quit signing on at all. But all of this forced me to read deeper and broader and to try a lot of different things and I've concluded - simply - that it's not all my fault. In fact I'm damn smart and good at figuring out a lot.

In addition to finding out that it's not all my fault I found out that other people are out there trying to start something new just like I am and that some of these people will do it even if it's not "perfect". What a mind altering idea for a hyper-perfectionist who has let way too many opportunities pass her by because everything wouldn't align correctly or some other such silliness wasn't just right.

The greatest thing about blogging has been having a reason to ramble - as my sister loving calls my entries. Rambling has allowed me to finally finish the first draft of my novel. I'd been playing with it for years, compulsively rewriting the begining but once I started multipurposewoman and blogging I loosened up (I also started writing morning pages) so the sheer number of sentences I was putting together combined to take me to new writing heights.

Enough, I came here because I figured out what the problem was and I wanted to celebrate by posting an entry and now that I have I'm off to fix other computer problems - namely memory conflicts!

One more thing - I've enjoyed asking for things - begging, as we say in my family. I used to think asking/begging was a bad thing but it's freeing to want/need something and then to just put a request out there. Even if no one hears or responds there is still something nice about having said, outloud, to the universe that I want/need so-and-so. And then if someone does respond then you know that "dreams" do come true. I should revive another thing I use t do when I first started this blog. I use to end by being bossy; I'd write a variation of . . .- Until next we meet, Be multi-conscious, fully express your purpose and smile broadly at a frowning woman

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

If today were a piece of art I'd title it . . . Gwen's Folly.

I'm still living in "never/never - maybe/maybe - if only/if only" land. Do I care to explain further? No. Tomorrow I'm off to a 3 day retreat. When I return it'll be as a realist. Wouldn't that be interesting?

visit my other two blogs; Fiction Fiberscope and Nightly Notes.

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

If today were a piece of art I'd title it . . .
Rehearsal for Hope -- but "hope is not a method" and to me the word denotes inactivity and passivity so I might use that for the working title but I'd most likely change it - but then again the dictionary definition doesn't sound too bad, "To wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment". I like the word "wish".

Am I the only one who has favorite words? E-mail me your list.

Monday, October 21, 2002

If today were a piece of art I'd title it . . .
Listen; You've Been Told

Sunday, October 20, 2002

So far if today were a piece of art I'd title it . . .
Why Ask Why?. . .
It would be large - at least 25' in it's shortest direction, an amorphous shape, shades of gray with clear plastic embellishments encrusting it and adding to its impenetrable hardness. It would be textureless -slippery looking. It's 2:29 pm

Saturday, October 19, 2002

If today were a piece of art I'd title it . . .
Repetition Study #9. The days of the past week+ would be Repetition Study #8, #7, #6 - you get the point. The good news is I love to work in series.

Friday, October 11, 2002

Working Notebook & Visual Journal

So far if today were a piece of art I'd title it "Broken Block"

I just came back from gallery hopping. Had an enligthening time. Artists were hanging out, people were buying art, high schoolers were doing assignments, all were looking at the art and getting a view into one artist's obsessions. The lesson I learned is that I need to just keep doing what I'm doing - only more often. I've been belaboring the fact that I like doing embroidery and other labor intensive processes what I starting doing today, after a particularly unnecessary mind sweep, is just working. I took the thoughts into the studio with me and just worked any way. With as many pieces as I have in-process I should be able to do something every minute of every day. NOT TO WORRY - I acknowledged also that I won't be working every moment just a lot more than I have been.